November 1, 2021
Dear Delta Dental Patients,
As of January 2022, I will no longer be an in-network provider for Delta Dental.
My commitment to your dental care will never be compromised by rules, restrictions or limited reimbursements imposed by any insurance company. I can no longer provide the high quality of dentistry that you deserve at Delta Dental fees. I have tried for over 10 years to negotiate with Delta Dental to no avail.
I will continue to submit all Delta Dental insurance claims for you. However, Delta Dental does not reimburse out of network providers. Payment will be due from the patient at the time of your appointment and Delta Dental will send a check to you. We will gladly submit, upon request, a pre-treatment estimate to Delta Dental before any dental work is performed to determine exact reimbursement amounts. You can also contact Delta Dental at the number on your card for more specific information.
I will honor all Delta Dental fees and patient co-pays for work started prior to January 1, 2022 provided the work is completed within 2 months.
We will continue to assist you in maximizing your dental benefits. Please let us know if you have any questions. As always, our treatment recommendations will be based on the best long-term interest of your dental health.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Dennis S. O’Leary, D.D.S.